Successful workshops require preparation for both the Yoga Instructor, the Essential Oil Instructor, and how the two of you to work seamlessly together, during the Workshop. Making the time in advance to truly prepare not only the details, but how you will signal each other to pass the teaching back and forth, is critical to your professional success AND dōTERRA team building. Start now with a plan!

Identify Instructor Roles

There are two key instructor roles needed for each EssentialYoga Program workshop: the Yoga Instructor and the Essential Oil Instructor.  If you are an essential oil enthusiast, you will be approaching yoga studios and instructors to seek their interest in joining your dōTERRA team and co-teaching workshops.  If you are a yoga instructor and your goal is to expand your dōTERRA team through The Essential Yoga Program —then you will actually take on the role of Essential Oil Instructor for your workshops and in your approach, even though you could actually teach the yoga portion.  Once your team is well established, yoga instructors may choose to host their own workshops and ask non-yoga-teacher teammates to join them to co-teach workshops.  But in your role as a participant in our Certified Ambassador program —you will always take the role of Essential Oil Instructor as your intention is to grow your dōTERRA team by creating an approach others can DUPLICATE to expand into new markets as essential oil enthusiasts.

If you do it all yourself – you’ll miss out on the entire benefit of this program and of the concept of network marketing. You want to teach people to be able to do what you do…the very reason I developed the Academy!

Yoga sillouette

Brainstorm the Opportunity

shutterstock_151886915Create your opportunity list or what some people call your “100 list.” Think about those you know who PRACTICE yoga too—don’t be limited to instructors and studios only!  Remember that doTERRA is built by providing people with an experience and their increasing trust in you to teach them and show them the way.

Think about the best way you can connect with those on your list at regular intervals. Perhaps you’ll start out inviting them to an essential oil class you are teaching or offer to teach one for them. In time you’ll find the perfect spot for a schedule of monthly EssentialYoga Program workshops where you’ll be able to build a new network of teammates.

Listen to audio recording tips about Creating Your Opportunity List (found under Audio Recordings)


women-talking-2Create the Opportunity

Approach each opportunity on your list for an initial appointment with the owner or a lead yoga instructor

  1. Use experience, knowledge, oils & the book to secure interest in dōTERRA oils personally, professionally and/or in studio.
  2. Secure interest in hosting a special event, monthly or ongoing use of dōTERRA with The EssentialYoga Program.
  3. Invite them to join your dōTERRA team as a Wellness Advocate or Wholesale Customer. Enroll them with a Loyalty Reward Point order. Listen to audio recording tips about Inviting Them to Join Your Team (found under Audio Recordings.)
  4. Review the Sample Class Outline for New Instructors and  Workshop Preparation Planning Checklist Aug 2016 with new yoga team member and Yoga Instructor of your first EssentialYoga Program Workshop. (Found with tips for use under Workshop Materials)

Schedule Preparation Meeting(s)

12642730_762253587240188_8663344584344867151_nSchedule your Workshop Preparation Meeting a few weeks prior (if possible) to have time to order any last minute supplies and review all the details of a successful EssentialYoga Program workshop.  This is an in person “rehearsal” in studio/consult/oils review/marketing plans. They will co-teach with you.

Typically if you are building, you will have them be the Yoga Instructor and you will be the Essential Oil Instructor and dōTERRA expert.  You may need more than one of these types of meetings, depending on the person with whom you are co-teaching.  This is a VERY important step, so leave ample time to do this properly and be prepared in front of paying students attending your Workshop.

See Workshop Preparation Planning Checklist Aug 2016 (Found under Workshop Materials)

View applicable Oils Application videos for your workshop so that you can teach key concepts to co-instructor. )(Coming soon!)

Listen to audio recording about Plan Ahead for a Successful Workshop (Found in Audio Recordings)

Schedule Final Details Call

shutterstock_131109770You will need to schedule a Final Details Call where you will review registrations to date, final marketing steps, ask/answer any questions about the actual workshop flow, review who is bringing what, arrival time and room preparations, as well as any final points to cover.
See Final Details Checklist Aug 2016 for you to email them for reference prior to call so you are both prepared. (Found in Workshop Materials)


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Please proceed to PHASE 4 when you are ready for next steps.