My dōTERRA Journey
My path in this whole arena of natural health and wellness began when I decided to leave a successful and lucrative corporate career to do something that felt more real and honest. I was craving true connection with others on a much deeper level.
In service of these goals, I became a massage therapist and a wellness center owner. Throughout the next 15+ years, I committed myself to open my community’s mind to alternative and complementary therapies that bring out our healthiest self. That’s how I discovered essential oils and eventually the dōTERRA essential oils that are at the core of my natural health-related businesses.
My wellness center is no longer limited to a little blue house in a rural, mountain town. Instead, my ‘center’ travels wherever the need takes me. My specialty has become the safe and effective use of dōTERRA essential oils and wellness products—truly the highest quality essential oils in the world.
Through classes, workshops, and individual conversations, I teach people how to incorporate dōTERRA’s oils and products into their lifestyle through healthy nutrition, moving their bodies, relaxation, stress relief, and ideas to reduce toxins in and around their bodies and homes.
Since I became a Wellness Advocate in 2008, I have built a substantial dōTERRA team of customers and business builders around the world and have attained one of the company’s top ranks as a Blue Diamond—something achieved by less than 1% of dōTERRA’s 6,000,000+ members.

dōTERRA has allowed me to:
Co-author the successful book called The EssentialYoga Program about the use of dōTERRA essential oils in monthly yoga workshops designed to deepen and enhance the practice as well as one’s consciousness on and off the mat.

Create the online yoga and oils training program the EssentialYoga Academy to help those with a passion for teaching and practicing yoga to step into their role of influence as the natural health guides for their community.

Teach hundreds of people how to bring natural healing back into their homes as a
Certified Instructor for the dōTERRA AromaTouch Technique.

I am 100% committed to cultivating an appreciation of this earth and its peoples—connecting with others and deepening our understanding within, and around, our world. I believe each of us is here to use our authentic gifts to discover our purpose in this lifetime.
I’d love to help you discover your true nature through nature to create your most magnificent and vibrant life.
Isn’t it time you claimed the life you desire?
If you’re curious about what the next life chapter or journey might look like and you’re ready to make a change, pop me an email and let’s make it happen!