April Featured Oils


To download this photo that includes the April workshop's oil selection - right click and Save As to your computer. Use these images for marketing purposes, and to generate interest in their use.  If you need to crop the image further, you may want to check out  www.picmonkey.com.  I've found it is really easy to use.   The essential oil bottles came from www.doterra.com where you can download High Resolution images for your own purposes. Thank you for keeping these photo compilations unique to Academy members only.

April Featured Oils2016-12-06T12:41:21-07:00

May Featured Oils


To download this photo that includes the May workshop's oil selection - right click and Save As to your computer. Use these images for marketing purposes, and to generate interest in their use.  If you need to crop the image further, you may want to check out  www.picmonkey.com.  I've found it is really easy to use.   The essential oil bottles came from www.doterra.com where you can download High Resolution images for your own purposes. Thank you for keeping these photo compilations unique to Academy members only.

May Featured Oils2016-12-06T12:39:15-07:00

June Featured Oils


To download this photo that includes the June workshop's oil selection - right click and Save As to your computer. Use these images for marketing purposes, and to generate interest in their use.  If you need to crop the image further, you may want to check out  www.picmonkey.com.  I've found it is really easy to use.   The essential oil bottles came from www.doterra.com where you can download High Resolution images for your own purposes. Thank you for keeping these photo compilations unique to Academy members only.

June Featured Oils2016-12-06T12:37:20-07:00

July Featured Oils


To download this photo that includes the July workshop's oil selection - right click and Save As to your computer. Use these images for marketing purposes, and to generate interest in their use.  If you need to crop the image further, you may want to check out  www.picmonkey.com.  I've found it is really easy to use.   The essential oil bottles came from www.doterra.com where you can download High Resolution images for your own purposes. Thank you for keeping these photo compilations unique to Academy members only.

July Featured Oils2016-12-06T12:35:38-07:00

August Featured Oils


To download this photo that includes the August workshop's oil selection - right click and Save As to your computer. Use these images for marketing purposes, and to generate interest in their use.  If you need to crop the image further, you may want to check out  www.picmonkey.com.  I've found it is really easy to use.   The essential oil bottles came from www.doterra.com where you can download High Resolution images for your own purposes. Thank you for keeping these photo compilations unique to Academy members only.

August Featured Oils2016-12-06T12:33:10-07:00

September Featured Oils


To download this photo that includes the September workshop's oil selection - right click and Save As to your computer. Use these images for marketing purposes, and to generate interest in their use.  If you need to crop the image further, you may want to check out  www.picmonkey.com.  I've found it is really easy to use.   The essential oil bottles came from www.doterra.com where you can download High Resolution images for your own purposes. Thank you for keeping these photo compilations unique to Academy members only.

September Featured Oils2016-12-06T12:31:50-07:00

October Featured Oils


To download this photo that includes the October workshop's oil selection - right click and Save As to your computer. Use these images for marketing purposes, and to generate interest in their use.  If you need to crop the image further, you may want to check out  www.picmonkey.com.  I've found it is really easy to use.   The essential oil bottles came from www.doterra.com where you can download High Resolution images for your own purposes. Thank you for keeping these photo compilations unique to Academy members only.

October Featured Oils2016-12-06T12:30:39-07:00

November Featured Oils


To download this photo that includes the November workshop's oil selection - right click and Save As to your computer. Use these images for marketing purposes, and to generate interest in their use.  If you need to crop the image further, you may want to check out  www.picmonkey.com.  I've found it is really easy to use.   The essential oil bottles came from www.doterra.com where you can download High Resolution images for your own purposes. Thank you for keeping these photo compilations unique to Academy members only.      

November Featured Oils2016-12-06T12:28:12-07:00

December Featured Oils


To download this photo that includes the December workshop's oil selection - right click and Save As to your computer. Use these images for marketing purposes, and to generate interest in their use.  If you need to crop the image further, you may want to check out  www.picmonkey.com.  I've found it is really easy to use.   The essential oil bottles came from www.doterra.com where you can download High Resolution images for your own purposes. Thank you for keeping these photo compilations unique to Academy members only.

December Featured Oils2016-12-06T12:21:36-07:00

How to Effectively Use the Tear Pad


In this webinar, I explain how to effectively use the marketing tool I created, The EssentialYoga Program Tear Pad, to help your workshop attendees remember what they learned about doTERRA, about the oils used and how to reach you as their next step.  The Tear Pad also makes a great marketing tool when approaching studios or organizations about scheduling a new workshop, and for explaining the concept to new instructors and teammates. The password = Academy https://vimeo.com/185671602

How to Effectively Use the Tear Pad2016-10-06T10:33:25-06:00
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